Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Baby Jack at Four Months

My sweet baby Jack,

You are a joy to spend my days with, and I love you more and more each day!  I just can't imagine life without you. You make your daddy and I so happy and proud.

You have grown so much in the past two months! At your 4 month checkup you were 15 pounds, 14 ounces (70%) and 25 inches long (50%) -- almost doubling your size at birth. You showed Dr. Mukundan how interested you are in reaching for anything in front of you, and then putting whatever it is you have grabbed into your mouth. You have also found your toes, and grab them any chance you get.

It's been amazing to see you go from small smiles of affection to big grins that take over your whole body! You get very excited, waving your arms and kicking your legs when we read stories to you and when you see someone you love. You remind me so much of your daddy when you smile, and of your uncles and grandpas much of the time. I can't think of people I would be happier for you to take a cue from in your life.

You are generous with your laughs now, and laugh abundantly when we tickle your tummy or neck. Often you just laugh and laugh while I'm changing you, or while you look around the room. Your laugh makes us laugh.

You also reach out for and grab any object in front of you now, especially your puppy Foster. You wave your arms each time you see him, lunging towards him when he gets close, so you can grab two fistfuls of his fur and hug him. Foster doesn't seem to mind.

You still love your sleep, and prefer 12 hours at night (7pm-7am) though you are an active sleeper, and do occasionally wake up with your arms stuck in your crib rails, or having rolled over one way, unable to roll back over. You also prefer 3 or 4 naps a day. I put you in your crib for your morning nap (at about 8:30) and your first afternoon nap (at about 1), and for the others, you usually snooze on the go.

You go easily to anyone, but are beginning to show a preference towards a few people in your life by getting extra excited when your daddy, grandparents, or aunts and uncles are around.

You are getting more mobile, rolling to your back often, though to your tummy only on rare occasion. You also like to scoot towards objects, like your owl book ("In My Tree") or your ball. It's a slow scoot, but it makes me realize how fast you'll be moving soon!

You still love to cuddle, and early morning time with you is my favorite. I treasure those quiet minutes where I get to just feed you, rock you, and read to you while you are still in your jammies. You are such a happy boy most all the time (except when you're in your carseat in this summer heat), but especially so in the mornings.

Recently you have done better in your carseat, and one of my favorite things you do is when you're tired in the car, now instead of crying, you more often "sing" yourself to sleep.  I'm so happy you're learning how to better self soothe -- your humming is so cute, and so much nicer for both of us than when you cry!

This month you had your first Easter, celebrated with Easter Egg hunts at the Taylors and the Valets with your new Nashville friends whose parents have been your mommy and daddy's friends for years. We also had a fun, sweet celebration with all of your Nashville family at your Gammy and PopPaw's house. We loved getting to show you and tell you what Easter is all about!

This next month holds many fun things for you as well - I can't wait for you to have time with your aunts and uncles at Philip and Stephanie's wedding and Aunt Savannah's graduation!

When we go out, people often comment on how alert and happy you are, and how much hair you have! People also generally say that you are "all boy" with your broad shoulders, and cute cowlick. You have the ability to make so many people happy, just with your presence. What a wonderful gift!

I think you have a tooth getting ready to come in, and you are definitely getting longer and stronger, and ready to move. I cherish this sweet time with you as a cuddly, gummy, little guy, knowing that soon you will soon be on the go, eating solid foods, etc.

Every day your daddy and I thank God for giving you to us. You are such a loving, sweet, happy boy. We pray for health, strength, and protection for you, and that you will have a heart that loves Jesus. We also pray that in this next phase of your life God will give us the wisdom and ability to love and discipline you the very best that we can.

I am so happy and proud to be your mother, sweet Jack.

I love you,

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