Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Jack's new word!

He can say "Bubble!" (Excuse the fact that I can't sing...)

Now he can say "Da-da", "Dog", "Tree", and, of course, "Hannah". He is working on "Ma-ma"...he'll say it when he's calling me from his crib, but I'm still "Hannah" 90% of the time. At least he calls me, right? :)


  1. Oh my goodness he is just precious!! I can't believe how big he is and how much he's talking! :) Loved this video and I LOVE that he calls you "Hannah"!!

  2. Hannah, lol. Sounds like he is going to be a talker!

    Julia says Dada in this super cute happy voice...Mama is used only as needed in whine form from the crib. JP went through a phase where he called us both Babe...guess that's what he heard!
