Friday, September 3, 2010

Bumps in the Night

Last night, I woke up at 3:30 (and stayed awake until 7:30) because SOMEONE was kicking me. For the first time, that someone wasn't one of my sisters or Luke. This little guy is very active, especially at night, which happens to be when Luke is working, so he misses all the action. So, since I was definitely not getting back to sleep anytime soon, I recorded the bumps on my phone for proof. Note: if you object to seeing my big ol' bare pregnant belly moving around (you can't see it as well with my tank top covering it), definitely do not watch this video. And, yes, Cassie, my belly and belly button are huge - let's go ahead and get that out of the way.

In other news, what in the world is cuter than footie pajamas, or police car and circus 
pajamas that you get to wear cute little socks with?!

Ok, they're closely rivaled by teeny church clothes.
Thank you, Aunt Deb, Allison, and Molly!


  1. Oh! I love getting to see him kick! You are such a great Momma. He is one loved little boy!

  2. Aww. Thanks! We do love him so much already! I love your football post!

  3. He's a wild guy! I do miss feeling a baby in my belly. Wish I could bottle it.

  4. If he's this wild at about 12 inches and one pound, I can't imagine when he adds 6-10 more inches and 7-9 more pounds! It is amazing to me. He is also starting to respond when I poke at him or talk to him, which is really neat.
