Sunday, March 6, 2011

Luke's First Week

Tuesday morning, March 1st, Luke reported for duty at the first day of training for his new job! We quickly found out that this training is no joke; Luke said that day one was pretty much exactly like day one of Marine Corps boot camp -- except maybe a little more intense. :) While I can't share very many details of his experiences there, I can tell you that he gets up at 4:45am, is gone by 5:20am, and gets home 12 hours later, sore and exhausted, and goes straight into a a routine of about 5 hours of prep work for the next day: shaving his head, polishing his shoes, steaming and pressing his suit, and then studying, studying, studying for the next day. I try and help by washing his whites then darks each night, packing his lunch, quizzing him over his material for the next day, etc. Luke is a very hard worker in general, and is used to putting in many hours on the job, but I think this stint is the most stringent and time-consuming that I've ever seen him do. Though he is weary, he is very dedicated to this job and therefore this process -- and is very pleased (long-term) that the job he has has such high standards for their employees. If you think of him, please pray for continued strength and stamina in these first few weeks -- and also in the 20 weeks after that! While there is a joy in the journey, I know there will also be a big sigh of relief the last weekend of July when he graduates. :) We'll let you know how week 2 goes...

Daddy's home! (Yes, all of his training is done in a SUIT!)

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