Friday, August 20, 2010

Welcoming Baby Jack!

The past week has been one of the most fun Luke and I have experienced so far. Knowing who this little guy is that will be joining our family in 4.5 months is amazing! It is very special for Luke and myself to prepare very specifically for the baby boy headed our way. Our friends and family have joined us in that, and have called, sent notes, and dropped by gifts, picked out or handmade just for him! I feel like we add something to his bassinet of sweet gifts almost every day! Thank you so much to each of you who called, wrote notes, brought by gifts, or sent prayers our way. It feels amazing to be so fully supported during this wonderful time! So, in case you like looking at adorable, tiny things as much as I do, here is a picture of some of the things sent just for baby John Thomas this week!


  1. So very cute! I'm keeping receipts cus you will need a mac truck to haul and store Jack's things. Love you all!

  2. You guys are so sweet! Peggy, I LOVE your blog - I learn so much from it and enjoy it so much! Melda, YOU slow down! ;) I'm so very happy that you are so excited about this little guy! He can't wait to meet you!
